Class Updates & Extra Credit Reminder
In an effort to ensure that students are fully prepared for the upcoming grammar exam on Sentences and Their Parts, we will be skipping the following lessons in the textbook until the Nouns unit:
Lesson 8--Subject Complements
Lesson 9--Objects of Verbs
We will use the time saved to review lessons 6, 7, and 10 in greater depth. A packet containing the previous GUM exercises as well as additional practice pages for the upcoming lessons will be due on Friday, October 7th.
The Rome/Byzantine Empire assignment packet is due on Monday, October 3rd.
The Rome/Byzantine Empire exam will be held on different days for each Core class due to the upcoming minimum day schedule. To avoid any discrepancies, three different versions of the exam will be given.
Core 1 - Wednesday, October 5th
Core 2 - Thursday, October 6th
A student may not earn extra credit until all assignments have been turned in for all Core classes.
Any extra credit earned WILL NOT be added to the student's grade until the END OF THE SEMESTER. NO EXCEPTIONS.
In an effort to ensure that students are fully prepared for the upcoming grammar exam on Sentences and Their Parts, we will be skipping the following lessons in the textbook until the Nouns unit:
Lesson 8--Subject Complements
Lesson 9--Objects of Verbs
We will use the time saved to review lessons 6, 7, and 10 in greater depth. A packet containing the previous GUM exercises as well as additional practice pages for the upcoming lessons will be due on Friday, October 7th.
The Rome/Byzantine Empire assignment packet is due on Monday, October 3rd.
The Rome/Byzantine Empire exam will be held on different days for each Core class due to the upcoming minimum day schedule. To avoid any discrepancies, three different versions of the exam will be given.
Core 1 - Wednesday, October 5th
Core 2 - Thursday, October 6th
A student may not earn extra credit until all assignments have been turned in for all Core classes.
Any extra credit earned WILL NOT be added to the student's grade until the END OF THE SEMESTER. NO EXCEPTIONS.