YEFP: Scientific Revolution Topics
Beneath each topic is a list of some of sub-topics that should be included in your summary. Pick and choose accordingly, but remember that only one or two people/inventions will not be enough to fully explain the innovations of each area during this time period.
- Copernicus
- Kepler
- Galileo
- Newton
- Mercator
- Huygens
- Kepler
- Brahe
- Vesalius
- Lavoisier
- Galileo
- Newton
- Jenner
- Malpighi/Harvey
- Cowper
- Paracelsus
- microscope (van Leeuwenhoek, Hooke, Culpepper)
- barometer (Torricelli)
- thermometer (Galileo Galilei)
- Description of the S.M.
- Galileo
- Bacon
- Newton